The Send

The Send

• October 7, 2019

Andy Byrd shares on The Send, inspiring believers to turn away from comfortable Chrsitianity and pursue the Great Commision. He calls a generation higher- inciting them to look beyond their circumstances and into the very character and nature of God. Then and only then will we reach the lost and broken in every nation of the world. He reminds us that there is only one Gospel and it requires our entire lives and our very beings. The harvest is ripe and if we are willing to give everything we are to the Lord of the harvest, we will see breakthrough.

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Andy Byrd shares on The Send, inspiring believers to turn away from comfortable Chrsitianity and pursue the Great Commision. He calls a generation higher- inciting them to look beyond their circumstances and into the very character and nature of God. Then and only then will we reach the lost and broken in every nation of the world. He reminds us that there is only one Gospel and it requires our entire lives and our very beings. The harvest is ripe and if we are willing to give everything we are to the Lord of the harvest, we will see breakthrough.
