Deconstructing the Lie that Christianity is a White Man’s Religion

Deconstructing the Lie that Christianity is a White Man’s Religion

• October 18, 2023

Michael Pierce teaches during Voices week on the importance of understanding the significance of Christianity in all races and cultures. He goes into the scriptures to highlight the evidence of people from many different backgrounds that were affected by God and the Bible. He confronts the belief that Christianity belongs only to white men by talking about the history of missions while also addressing the history of injustices done by people who've warped Christianity.


Michael Pierce teaches during Voices week on the importance of understanding the significance of Christianity in all races and cultures. He goes into the scriptures to highlight the evidence of people from many different backgrounds that were affected by God and the Bible. He confronts the belief that Christianity belongs only to white men by talking about the history of missions while also addressing the history of injustices done by people who've warped Christianity.
