Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Amy Ward teaches from 1 Corinthians 12 teaching on the gifts of the Spirit and answers questions from the CRX about how to operate in them. She defines the gifts of knowledge, discernment of spirits, the gifts of power, and the vocal gifts and goes through how each...

The Holy Spirit

Amy Ward teaches the CRX how the Holy Spirit is God and who he is and where he appears throughout the scriptures. She brings the school of the reality of waiting and experiencing the Holy Spirit fall at Pentecost. She then teaches about the attributes of the Holy...

A Revelation of the Cross

Peter Louis begins the second day teaching about the perfection of the cross. He talks about how our old self has been buried and how we must walk in the new inheritance he’s given us. He talks about how we must release the power we’ve given to man-made ministry and...

Partaking of the Gospel

Peter Louis starts day one of gospel week explaining how we must not only know the gospel, but we must also consume and take part in it. He urges us to never look beyond the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus for everything, because everything else will fall short of...

Empowering Minorities

Yasmine Pierce teaches on understanding on having a worldview of how important it is to use the power of our voice to empower the marginalized. She teaches how biblically the scripture teaches us that Jesus has a plan to have all nations come to himself. She...


Matthew Nelson teaches on the topic of injustices from the Freedom Manual. He explains how injustice is usually the root of strongholds and sin patterns and teaches us to aim for the roots of injustice to experience true freedom. He teaches us how to recognize...

Power and Authority

Matt finishes off the week teaching on power and authority, defining both and teaching on why both are so important as a Christian. He goes into scripture to reveal how both power and authority have been given to those who believe in Jesus and how to operate in both...

Taming of the Tongue

Matt Nelson teaches the CRX about the importance of taking authority over words and phrases that come out of our mouths. He teaches us how powerful speaking words of life are in spiritual warfare and how dangerous words of death can be.