Keep Giving Your Yes

Keep Giving Your Yes

• March 2, 2021

Chase Cofer shares the storyline of Circuit Riders and YWAM. He emphasizes the importance of knowing your story and how it intertwines with what you are a part of. Chase encourages the school to keep giving their yes to Jesus, highlighting that we will never know what can come of our simple acts of obedience. Chase explains that expansion of the Kingdom comes when we say yes. He then highlights the importance of servant heartedness, telling the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Chase encourages the school to remain in the active love of Christ and ends his time by sharing how he and his wife Lindy said yes to adoption.

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Chase Cofer shares the storyline of Circuit Riders and YWAM. He emphasizes the importance of knowing your story and how it intertwines with what you are a part of. Chase encourages the school to keep giving their yes to Jesus, highlighting that we will never know what can come of our simple acts of obedience. Chase explains that expansion of the Kingdom comes when we say yes. He then highlights the importance of servant heartedness, telling the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Chase encourages the school to remain in the active love of Christ and ends his time by sharing how he and his wife Lindy said yes to adoption.
